怎么最近这样烦的! 年终大考是小事(因为范围很少),但是还有很多很烦的事呐!
1. 弟弟他死都不理睬我,我觉得他是在看小我(告诉你们一个秘密吧,我已经两年半没跟弟弟讲话了,不过最近情况似乎恶化了!)。
3.电脑这一年来一直跟我作对,尤其最近更加严重了,害我上两个星期Format掉电脑,可是Format后变本加厉,现在连IE和WMP都打开不到(我已经打算18个月后把整架电脑换掉,不是Windows 7我都不会要!)!!!
This is my blog, created in January of 2009, usually talk about my random activities. (Why use 54? Because 54 is my lucky number)
Sunday, September 27, 2009
Saturday, September 19, 2009
Historical Racing Games: Test Drive 4
I'am really missed this game. I've already not played it for ten years.
Saturday, September 12, 2009
Box Office of TMNT 2011 In My Wool-Gathering
Since 25 April 2009, I started to wool-gathering the box office of TMNT 2011. Ahhhhhhhh........ if it can be like that, I will very happy:
Opening Weekend In U.S.A.:
Minimum: US$42,590,661
Ideal: US$88,875,924
Fantastic: US$142,659,435
Opening Weekend In Malaysia:
Minimum: US$300,000
Ideal: US$554,876
Fantastic: US$1,576,974
Legend: US$3,337,885
Box Office In U.S.A.:
Minimum: US$98,476,955
Ideal: US$236,887,421
Fantastic: US$354,181,566
Legend: US$677,992,274
Box Office In Malaysia:
Minimum: US$622,878
Ideal: US$1,186,433
Fantastic: US$3,124,555
Legend: US$11,708,595
Worldwide Box Office:
Minimum: US$250,875,762
Ideal: US$557,765,116
Fantastic: US$768,443,441
Legend: US$1,257,776,897
Opening Weekend In U.S.A.:
Minimum: US$42,590,661
Ideal: US$88,875,924
Fantastic: US$142,659,435
Opening Weekend In Malaysia:
Minimum: US$300,000
Ideal: US$554,876
Fantastic: US$1,576,974
Legend: US$3,337,885
Box Office In U.S.A.:
Minimum: US$98,476,955
Ideal: US$236,887,421
Fantastic: US$354,181,566
Legend: US$677,992,274
Box Office In Malaysia:
Minimum: US$622,878
Ideal: US$1,186,433
Fantastic: US$3,124,555
Legend: US$11,708,595
Worldwide Box Office:
Minimum: US$250,875,762
Ideal: US$557,765,116
Fantastic: US$768,443,441
Legend: US$1,257,776,897
The Director of TMNT 2011
Not chosen yet...
But if let me choose, I will 100% choose Steve Barron. Let him direct again lah... because he has directed Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (1990) before, and this film received a huge sucessful, isn't it, Peter Laird?
But if you choose other directors, I will not deny, but except for Michael Bay and Steven Spielberg.
If you choose James Cameron or Wachowski Brothers, I will also happy!
But if let me choose, I will 100% choose Steve Barron. Let him direct again lah... because he has directed Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (1990) before, and this film received a huge sucessful, isn't it, Peter Laird?
But if you choose other directors, I will not deny, but except for Michael Bay and Steven Spielberg.
If you choose James Cameron or Wachowski Brothers, I will also happy!
I Want To Buy Blu-Ray Disc

Yo, listen up, here's a story, about little guy...
Nothing, that's the lyric of Blue (Da Ba Dee). First time I see Blu-Ray Disc in 2006, it's still a new merchandise in Malaysia. In 2006, it's a very expensive merchandise, between RM149 until RM179. And BD player (Sony), ... RM4,999!
In 2009, the price of Blu-Ray Disc just dropped from RM149 to RM119 not a long time ago. Yes, finally its price in Malaysia dropped. It means BD has begun to become ordinary in Malaysia at not-too-distant future. I guess its price in 2011 will be RM79. And add a good news also, now the price of BD player in Malaysia is between RM799 until RM1,899.
The disk I will buy:
1. TMNT 2011 (Most Wanted)
2. Kung Fu Panda
3. Terminator Salvation
4. The Matrix Trilogy
5. Avatar
But if you want BD, you must have LCD/Plasma TV first, and also BD player. So, I hope my dad will buy as quick as possible. (Because our TV is already 12 yrs old and many problems, and our DVD player is also slighty old...)
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
HTML Presentation
I am at school I.T. room now...
Originally I will present at next Tuesday (15 September 2009), but our computer assistant random the present time in this morning due she forgot which group will present today, so I will present today.
Four more hours... Ahhhhhh... SO NERVOUS!!!
Originally I will present at next Tuesday (15 September 2009), but our computer assistant random the present time in this morning due she forgot which group will present today, so I will present today.
Four more hours... Ahhhhhh... SO NERVOUS!!!
Monday, September 7, 2009
I Found These Cute & Cool Models In Jusco Metro Prima
You know, I tried to find the models of TMNT since I liked TMNT. But it is hard to find out because the reputation of TMNT in Malaysia is very low. Already 4 years, finally, at a new stall opened in Jusco Metro Prima, I found the models of TMNT. I am very happy, there's 7 models totally, I bought four of them, each RM9.90, totally RM39.60.
I have decided to collect many TMNT models after I reached 18 years old. Maybe it will cost over RM1,000, but I don't care. I hope TMNT 2011 will make a huge sucessful then the reputation of TMNT in Malaysia will rise up. So after then, I can find and buy many TMNT models at Malysia market. If TMNT 2011 failed, I have to buy TMNT merchandise through eBay or Amazon (you know, the things of America is more expensive than Malaysia, and US$1=RM3.50), then I will totally bankrap (but I want to emphasize, this is not reason why I want TMNT 2011 sucess. Be a loyal TMNT fan, of course I hope TMNT 2011 will make a legend).
Avatar, Coming Soon In Malaysia...
Yeah, huhuhu, YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am very exciting! Just three more months, James Cameron, the director of Titanic (he is also my idol!), will bring his newest movie to all the audience of the world after 12 years!
Movie Name: Avatar
Director: James Cameron
Cast: Sam Worthington and more...
Studio: Lightstorm Entertainment
Distributor: 20th Century Fox
Running Times: 150+ Minutes
Release Date: 17 December 2009 (Malaysia)
Budget: US$237,000,000
Beautiful Moon
I went to eat steamboat in Manjalara with my family yesterday night. When my father parked the car, and walked to the steamboat restaurant at junction, I looked at sky, and saw a beautiful moon.
The Moon, photoed at 9:oo p.m., 5 September 2009 (Chinese Calender: July 17)
But this is ghost moon, because in Chinese Calender, July is the Ghost Month.
Sunday, September 6, 2009
My Holiday Diary (Totally Insane)
I can only say: this is truthly a busy holiday. It is totally out of my expectation. Before that, I expect I can rest in this holiday (just play in first three days with relatives and HTML Project). But, our mad teachers especially BM, Book-Keep and Mathematics gave us many homeworks, and my HTML Project and two Art haven't done. OMG... the God is tricking me... I asked Ze Woei how about their class's homework... only Animation Project. I think our class is the most homeworks among S.M.1.
Day 1
The Swimming Pool
The Sliding Board
Porsche 911 Turbo
Ferrari F355
Suzuki Cappucino
The Middle One Is Mine (2nd Round)
The Track No.4
Toast Bread With Butter And Kaya Sos
So Beautiful...
Is This A Rainforest?
It is 1 Utama, the biggest shopping mall of Malaysia
My Most Favourite Sports Brand: Adidas
So Calm...
The Cinema Just At The Top Floor
The Logo of GSC
6 Tickets
10th Screen, Up 3D Version
Leonardo? (already ripped)
In My Mother's Aunt's Room
Outside The Room
Michelangelo Again?
The Door of My Sleeping Room, Again, Michelangelo
Day 1
Wake up, Terence... first day of holiday. Today my relatives from Johor and Taiwan will come in 4p.m. Among they include my fourth aunt's two little guys. So, I think I cannot pay attention do homeworks when they come. So, I quickly do Book-Keep first. Haven't done, they have come. I have chatted with my little aunt (my most favourite relative) especially about movies (TMNT 2011, Avatar, Pixar Movies) because we haven't seen for 6 months, next time she come back will at August or October 2010. At 6p.m., we go to Manjalara Park. I felt so boring in park, only that two little guys played happily. I sat on spider ladder, took out mt handphone, started to chat with Ze Woei for 6 minutes (I know his answer from this call). After playing, we go to eat Yong Tau Foo. Then, slept in 12a.m.
The Park
Day 2
We go to visit third aunt live in Petaling Jaya. We had promised go to Selangor Royal Club (a luxury relaxation spot near my third aunt's house) today after had a lunch. Before we had a lunch, I suggest book the tickets first through GSC official website (we will watch "Up 3D Version" in Monday at GSC 1 Utama) and we can watch this movie this night, but the booking failed. My cousin (Wen Joe) looked angrily because we had usurped his computer time. But it dosen't matter, we reached SRC at 3p.m. and Wen Joe, Wen Chee (his little sister) and that two little guys swim at there happily until 5p.m. I and my brother did not swim. I just waiting for them because I want to play bowling. When I waiting, I started to looked around:
At 6.30p.m., we go to bowling spot. Before we reach there, I saw three great cars. You know, I am a car lover, so I have photoed them.
I played with Wen Joe and my brother. This is my fisrt time for playing bowling, so I am very nervous. I winning all two rounds (fisrt 77 points, second 76 points).
We left SRC in 7.30p.m. My third aunt is a very pious Buddhist, so she (I have expected) brought us had a dinner in a new organic food restaurant (my most hated). I ate organic fried rice (not bad). Before we went back to my house, I with my little aunt bought 6 tickets for tomorrow 7.30p.m. in GSC 1 Utama.
Day 3
We had a breakfast in Pappa Rich (a cafe in Aman Puri). This is my first time eat at a cafe. This is a new cafe opened one month ago. Its menu... looked liked very delicious. We ate for nearly one hours. Its food truthly delicious, I gave them 90 points.
We reached 1 Utama at 3p.m. We had a delicious Japanese lunch at there. This is my first time eat Japanese food in Japanese restaurant. After eating, it's already 5p.m. I had two hours time walked around 1 Utama. I liked to see CD, so I went to three CD shops in 1 Utama. I still have not saw TMNT DVD in these shops. But the things make me surprise, is that the price of Blu-Ray Disc had dropped from RM149.90 to RM119.90. If this happens, that means Blu-Ray Disc will become ordinary in Malaysia after two years. This is truthly a good news, but I hope I can see the Blu-Ray Disc of TMNT 2011 in 2011 (I will buy the most expensive one, like Special Edition). Other than disc, I still cannot saw TMNT toys in toy shops (pity, the reputation of TMNT in Malaysia: negative 90 points).
When I walked around, I saw the people wasn't much, and many people didn't wear the mask. Seem like that they didn't afraid of A(H1N1)(Don't talk about them, we also didn't wear...)
Finally 7.30p.m., after we bought popcorn, we went into the 10th screen and got the 3D goggles. This film as long as 90 minutes, and this film is pretty well (I have expected, because this is the film from Pixar Studios. They are great in produced the animation films full of art taste), but in my mind, this film is little worse than Wall-E. I gave this film 92 points.
Ahhhhhhh, another good day passed...
Day 4
Bye-bye, my relatives, see in Sekinchan. OK, it's homeworks time! I finished up Book-Keep and Mathematics. But when I finished... 6p.m.! WHAT THE HELL!!! I need to finish up my HTML Project first (there's no computer in Sekinchan)! But by 2.30a.m., I can only prepared all the design and data, but haven't started to design the webpages!
Day 5
I hate you, I hit you, I heat you! After the breakfast at 10a.m., I opened my computer, and did it through the whole day, but by the midnight 12a.m., I only done 35%. We have to go back to Sekinchan tomorrow until night of Day 9. OMG, how do I do? I want to sacrifice my sleeping time, then I can finish up 50%, but I am sleepy... ZZZZZZZZZZZZ
Day 6
My third aunt will come at 10a.m. to bring all of us back to Sekinchan. I told my mother I want to stay at home, but she forced me back. Whatever, I still have another homeworks haven't done. So, I bring other homeworks back to Sekinchan to do. When I reached Sekinchan, after had a lunch, I started to do Guntingan Akhbar first. This teacher... I think she is the B.M. teacher that most liked to give homeworks in my school, generally we had 2 Guntingan Akhbar, but this time she gave 6! So what, I had not other choices, maybe the God want to test my endurance, I finished this homework through whole day.
Day 7
I can't endure again! After I sketch the picture of Michael Jackson (one of my Art homeworks, comics potrait), I rested whole day, sometimes played mobile games, sometimes watched TV, sometimes rode bicycle to street.
Day 8
I cannot continue to lazy! I started to painted up my 2 Art homeworks (the first one I have sketched before the holiday). I finished up at8p.m.
I am not satisfied with the first one, but I am very satisfied with Michael Jackson's potrait. I never expected that I can draw Michael Jackson as real as the real one (because I am not great at drawing people).
Day 9
I had done all my homeworks, and I am just want to go back home now! When I am waiting, I saw something special:
Look like one of my uncles is Ninja Turtles fan when he is childhood, especially liked Michelangelo, but I don't know is eldest one or second one (Eldest: 31 years old, Second: 30 years old)?
4p.m., my father had come, but we go back home after had a dinner at 8p.m. 10p.m., home sweet home! I had a bath immediately and started to done up my HTML Project! I done it until 3a.m. and I had a four hour sleep.
Day 10
Happy Independence Day of Malaysia! This is not funny! I haven't finished my HTML Project yet! 7.15a.m., I woke up immediately and do it quickly. Today is the last day of holiday, and I had to submit it tomorrow or the teacher will kill me! I never try to running with times hardly! Just at midnight 12a.m., finally I finished up my project and burned it to CD. Oooooohhhhhhh, finally the hard time is passed. Have a nice sleep!
Sorry, because I have to many homeworks to do (especially HTML Project). Now, I am return...
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